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The Third Round: There are natives of both heaven and hell in the land within us

https://logopraxis.online/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/There-are-natives-of-both-heaven-and-hell-within-us.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 3:31 — 3.5MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSArcana Coelestia 6306. Which I took out of the hand of the Amorite. That this signifies by victory over evil, is evident from the representation of the Amorite, as being evil (see n. 1857); and from the signification of…

The Third Round: Everything described in the Word is a re-presentation of what has to take place in us all

https://logopraxis.online/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Everything-described-in-the-Word-is-a-re-presentation-of-what-has-to-take-place-in-us-all.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 8:59 — 9.0MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSJohn 16:15-25. These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the Father.  Putting off…

The Third Round: What we love, we call good and what confirms it, we call truth – the will of man vs the will of the Lord

https://logopraxis.online/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/What-we-love-we-call-good-and-what-confirms-it-we-call-truth-the-will-of-man-vs-the-will-of-the-Lord.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:23 — 5.4MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSArcana Coelestia 1238… every Church in general is such, that it includes a true internal, a corrupted internal, a true external, and a corrupted external 1023. And I, behold, I establish My covenant. That this signifies the presence of…

The Third Round: It is the spiritual church ‘in me’ that needs saving

https://logopraxis.online/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/It-is-the-spiritual-church-in-me-that-needs-saving-.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:05 — 6.0MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSArcana Coelestia 6286. Verses 17-20. And Joseph saw that his father put his right hand, upon the head of Ephraim, and it was evil in his eyes; and he laid hold of the hand of his father to remove it…

The Logopraxis Workbook

The Logopraxis Workbook is designed to provide tools that guide our practise of the Word, and support the methods and processes that lead to an active and healthy spiritual life. There is considerable exploration of spiritual literacy skills, plus many examples, that form the practical basis of this work, including how to read as spiritual…

The Logopraxis Workbook

The Logopraxis Workbook is designed to provide tools that guide our practise of the Word, and support the methods and processes that lead to an active and healthy spiritual life. There is considerable exploration of spiritual literacy skills, plus many examples, that form the practical basis of this work, including how to read as spiritual…