Third Round Sound Bites

The acceptance of what the Word says is true is actually true is where real freedom begins – the seed finds soil in which it can grow (8 mins)

Arcana Coelestia 7056. And he went, and met him in the mountain of God. That this signifies conjunction in the ...
/ The Third Round

When truth or doctrine is lived, a presence of the Lord, of good, is present. The mediate is then joined with the immediate. (3 mins)

Love and wisdom appear as separate but are one Divine Love and Wisdom  39. In man, love and wisdom appear ...
/ The Third Round

Session 19 Overview – The practice of the Word reveals the pestilence that is already present with us, this is the movement from truth to good (10 mins)

And afterward Moses and Aaron came, and said unto Pharaoh, Thus said Jehovah the God of Israel, Let My people ...
/ The Third Round

Natural uses become spiritual when we use the Word to examine the quality of our state and responses as we engage with them (7 mins)

Uses and the senses as things of the will and understanding Arcana Coelestia 7038. That “to serve the Lord” denotes ...
/ The Third Round

The internal that is being built up by the Word is a reversal of what the natural mind thinks and believes is true (3 mins)

Things in the natural are the effects not the causes Arcana Coelestia 5711​. For whatever in universal nature has not ...
/ The Third Round

The apparent separation of truth from good allows us to act from an ‘as of self’ but really, it is all good for it is all the Lord at work (5 mins)

On the distinction between Esse and Essence True Christian Religion 18. THE DIVINE ESSE, WHICH IS JEHOVAH. Let us first ...
/ The Third Round

Our external life conditions, events or actions of other people are NOT the cause of what we feel and think. The cause is mental. (5 mins)

Heaven and Hell 156 ... The states of various things outside them appearing before their eyes are changed. For the ...
/ The Third Round