The Third Round: A tutorial in reading the text as psychological and spiritual processes Play in new window | Download (Duration: 26:22 — 26.0MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSThe human form is love, wisdom and use Conjugial Love 183. After this, the angels said, “Let us have an exchange of speech by questions and answers; for when a subject is taken in solely from hearing, the perception…

The Third Round: The manifestation of the Lord is according to the form of the receiving mind Play in new window | Download (Duration: 2:21 — 2.5MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSEsse and Existere Apocalypse Explained 1069.2-3 [2] Since the Word is the Divine truth, and this proceeds from the Lord’s Divine Being [Esse] as light proceeds from the sun, it follows as a consequence that the Lord is the…

The Third Round: The Word is the Lord, The Lord is the Word Play in new window | Download (Duration: 4:51 — 5.0MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSThe literal Text offers an object that can be taken into the mind Arcana Coelestia 10126. The Word in the letter consists of representatives of celestial and spiritual things, which are of heaven and the church, and therefore in…

The Third Round: The work is to not identify with what flows in Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:14 — 5.7MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSOn the Merit-Guilt cycle Click here for a post On the Merit Guilt Cycle : An excerpt from “Awakening to Spiritual Life Heaven and Hell 491-520 – Part 2” All life flows in Arcana Coelestia 4151 …But that few,…

Psalm 137: Guided Meditation Play in new window | Download (Duration: 13:38 — 13.8MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSA short guided meditation to support the work of conscious practice. Psalm 137: By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept When we remembered Zion. We hung our harps Upon the willows in the midst…

The Third Round: The twelve brothers (and their listed order) provide what’s needed to frame our own states Play in new window | Download (Duration: 3:45 — 4.0MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSS Arcana Coelestia 6405 [2] But who they are that are here signified by “Gad,” shall be told. They are such as fall into illusion with respect to truth, and yet do works from this; thus works not of…

The Third Round: Love and Wisdom manifests as states of movement and changes of Space and Time Play in new window | Download (Duration: 2:38 — 2.7MB)Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSSThat by “time” is signified state, and hence by its “coming to pass in this time,” the state of the things that follow, cannot but appear strange; for the reason that it cannot be comprehended how the notion of…