The apparent separation of truth from good allows us to act from an ‘as of self’ but really, it is all good for it is all the Lord at work (5 mins)

On the distinction between Esse and Essence

True Christian Religion 18. THE DIVINE ESSE, WHICH IS JEHOVAH. Let us first consider the Divine Esse, and afterwards the Divine essence. In appearance the two are one and the same; but esse is more universal than essence; for essence implies esse, and is derived from esse. The Esse of God (or the DivineEsse) it is impossible to define, because it transcends every idea of human thought, since this can take in only what is created and finite, and not what is uncreate and infinite, and therefore not the Divine Esse. The Divine Esse is Esse itself, from which all things are, and which must be in all things in order that they may have being.

TCR 21 …God is not only Esse [Being] in itself, but also Existere [Manifestation] in itself, because Esse without Existere is nothing, equally so Existere unless it is from Esse; therefore where the one is the other must needs be. The same is true of substance and form. Unless a substance is also a form nothing can be predicated of it, and for the reason that having no quality it is in itself nothing. The terms esse and existere are here used, and not essence and existence, because a distinction must be made between esse and essence, and between existere and existence, like that between the prior and the posterior, the prior being more universal than the posterior. To the Divine Esse infinity and eternity are applicable; while to the Divine Essence and Existence, Divine love and wisdom are applicable, and through these two omnipotence and omnipresence, which will be considered in their order.

TCR 36. THE DIVINE ESSENCE, WHICH IS DIVINE LOVE AND DIVINE WISDOM. A distinction has been made between the Esse of God and the essence of God, because there is a distinction between the infinity of God and the love of God, infinity being applicable to the Esse of God, and love to the essence of God, since the Esse of God, as has just been said, is more universal than His essence; just as the infinity of God is more universal than His love; and for this reason the word infinite is an adjective that is applicable to the essentials and attributes of God, which are all called infinite; as we say of the Divine love that it is infinite, of the Divine wisdom that it is infinite, also of the Divine power; not because of any pre-existence of the Esse of God, but because it enters into the essence as joined to it, cohering with it, determining and forming and also exalting it.

On Divine Truth and truth Divine and coming out to meet him

6994. Verses 13-17. And he said, In me, my Lord, send I pray by the hand of him whom Thou wilt send. And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses, and He said, Is there not Aaron, thy brother, the Levite? I know that speaking he will speak. And also behold he goeth forth to meet thee; and he will see thee, and he will be glad in his heart. And thou shalt speak unto him, and shalt put the words in his mouth; and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. And he shall speak for thee unto the people; and it shall be that he shall be to thee for a mouth, and thou shalt be to him for God. And thou shalt take in thy hand this rod, wherewith thou shalt do the signs. “And he said, In me, my Lord,” signifies asseveration; “send I pray by the hand of him whom Thou wilt send,” signifies that the Divine truth proceeding from the Divine Human will be mediately uttered; “and the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses,” signifies clemency; “and He said, Is there not Aaron thy brother the Levite?” signifies the doctrine of good and truth; “I know that he will speak,” signifies preaching; “and also behold he goeth forth to meet thee,” signifies reception; “and he will see thee,” signifies perception; “and he will be glad in his heart,” signifies the affection of love; “and thou shalt speak unto him,” signifies influx; “and shalt put the words in his mouth,” signifies that what he utters will proceed from the Divine Human; “and I will be with thy mouth,” signifies that truth Divine will proceed through the Divine Human from the Divine Itself; “and with his mouth,” signifies thus with the things thence derived; “and will teach you what ye shall do,” signifies thus the Divine in each and all things which shall be done; “and he shall speak for thee unto the people,” signifies that he will be doctrine to the spiritual church; “and it shall be that he shall be to thee for a mouth,” signifies truth Divine, which also proceeds mediately from the Lord; “and thou shalt be to him for God,” signifies the Divine truth which proceeds immediately from the Lord; “and thou shalt take in thy hand this rod,” signifies Divine power therein; “wherewith thou shalt do the signs,” signifies the consequent enlightenment and confirmation of truths.


Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from the Third Rounds of online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to our inner life, along with reinforcing any key Logopraxis principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.


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