Feeling like nothing is happening with the Text for us – is still something happening (2 mins)

From the Logopraxis Workbook: Step 2 – Creating a Task

When Struggling to Engage with the Text

If coming to the Text is a struggle, or staying with it is a struggle, or finding a principle or task is a struggle – then take the opportunity to step back and use the struggle as the basis for your work. Observe what the struggle brings up for you. For instance:

• What is your response to the struggle?

• What kind of self-talk arises?

• What is the quality of this dialogue?

• Where does this come from?

Working with the Text in this way allows the Lord to build what is of Himself in us, as the basis for new ways of thinking and feeling.

Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.
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