An example with the Text of removing person, space and time to read states of mind instead (6 mins)

Arcana Coelestia 6858…

Before the coming of the Lord into the world,

evil genii and spirits occupied all that region of heaven to which the spiritual were afterward taken up;

for before the coming of the Lord many such roamed at large and infested the good,

especially the spiritual who were in the lower earth;

but after the coming of the Lord they were all thrust down into their hells, and that region was set free and was given for an inheritance to those who were of the spiritual church.

Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.
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Esther Fyk
Esther Fyk
3 months ago

This is an excerpt from The Marginalian, an online blog to which I subscribe. For me, it is another way of looking at and experiencing repentance, reformation and regeneration. “A person is not a potted plant of predetermined personality but a garden abloom with the consequences of chance and choice that have made them who they are, resting upon an immense seed vault of dormant potentialities. At any given moment, any seed can sprout — whether by conscious cultivation or the tectonic tilling of some great upheaval or the composting of old habits and patterns of behavior that fertilize a… Read more »

Sarah Walker
Reply to  Esther Fyk
3 months ago

Thank you for sharing this – its really lovely- particularly love the last sentence – the whole passage reminds me of this – another nod to the Garden. Doctrine of Sacred Scripture 96a. The Word is like a garden, a heavenly paradise, that contains delicacies and delights of every kind, delicacies in its fruits and delights in its flowers; and in the midst of the garden trees of life with fountains of living water near them, while forest trees surround it. The man who from doctrine is in Divine truths is at its center where the trees of life are,… Read more »