When The Helper Comes

Jesus comes from the Father, the source of all that is true spirit. He was born into this world to be the light in the darkness. This light thus offering the ability to see the darkness by the contrast of what the light alternatively looks like. Although He is born into this world He also tells us that He is not of this world, and must return to the Father from which He came forth.

I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father. (16:28)

This is a theme that is expressed throughout the whole of the Gospel of John, and Jesus constantly reminds us that He will need to leave eventually and that the Helper or Holy Spirit will arrive after this occurs.

But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. (John 15:26)

The Text is most often presented in such a way that it is telling a story, as a historical account; or as that which has happened to people in the past; or as prophetical promises; or as that which are yet to happen to people in the future. In this way it appears like a recollection of someone else’s experiences and memories, or of someone observing a series of unfolding events and visions.  As we read and listen to what arises in our thoughts and feelings, the mind can easily be pulled into seeing it as descriptions of other people in far off lands and distant times, rather than as something that might be applicable to the present… to now… to me, to you.

To READ/LISTEN to the full article VISIT – https://logopraxis-institute.online/when-the-helper-comes-16/

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