When truth or doctrine is lived, a presence of the Lord, of good, is present. The mediate is then joined with the immediate. (3 mins)

Love and wisdom appear as separate but are one

Divine Love and Wisdom  39. In man, love and wisdom appear as two separate things, but still in themselves they are one distinctly, because with man, wisdom is such as love is, and love is such as wisdom is. The wisdom that does not make one with its love appears to be wisdom, but is not; while the love that does not make one with its wisdom, appears to be the love of wisdom, but is not. For the one will derive its essence and its life reciprocally from the other. With man, love and wisdom appear as two separate things because with him the faculty of understanding may be elevated into the light of heaven, but not the faculty of loving, except in so far as man acts as he understands. Any apparent wisdom, therefore, which does not make one with the love of wisdom, sinks back into a love which does make one with it, and this may be a love, not of wisdom, nay rather a love of insanity. For a man can know from wisdom that he ought to do this or that, but yet does not do it because he does not love it. But so far as a man does from love what is of wisdom, he is, to that extent, an image of God.

When truth joins with good, or what is mediate joins with immediate

Arcana Coelestia 7055…That conjunction was to be effected there, is signified by “Aaron went to meet Moses in the wilderness.” As to this conjunction, be it known that there may be with a man truth proceeding mediately from the Divine, and yet it may not be conjoined with the truth which proceeds immediately from the Divine. [2] But as this matter is secret, it shall be illustrated by examples. With those who think and teach according to the doctrine of their church confirmed in themselves, and do not know whether they are truths from any other ground than the fact that they are from the doctrine of the church, and that they have been delivered by learned and enlightened men, there can be truth proceeding mediately from the Divine; but still it is not conjoined with the truth that proceeds immediately from the Divine; for if it were conjoined, they would then have the affection of knowing truth for the sake of truth, and especially for the sake of life, whence they would also be endowed with a perception whether the doctrinal things of their church are truths before they confirm them in themselves; and would see in each whether the things confirming are in agreement with the truth itself. (3)…There is indeed with every man Divine influx both immediate and mediate (see n. 6063, 7004), but not conjunction, except with those who have perception of truth from good; for they with whom immediate Divine influx has been conjoined with mediate suffer themselves to be led by the Lord; but they with whom these influxes have not been conjoined, lead themselves, and this they love.

7056…the conjunction of the truth proceeding immediately from the Divine with the truth which proceeds mediately, is not possible except in good, consequently not unless the man is affected with truth for the sake of truth, especially for the sake of good, thus for the sake of life, for then the man is in good. [3] From the following considerations it may be further known how the case is with the conjunction in question. The truth proceeding immediately from the Divine enters into the will of man, this is its way; but the truth which proceeds mediately from the Divine enters into the understanding of man; and therefore conjunction cannot be effected unless the will and the understanding act as a one, that is, unless the will wills good, and the understanding confirms it by truth. When therefore there is conjunction, then the Lord appears as present, and His presence is perceived; but when there is no conjunction, then the Lord is as it were absent; yet His absence is not perceived, unless it is known from some perception what His presence is.

Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.
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