The Third Round: We seek to find 1 thing from the Text to work with so that we might have an experience of the Word to bring to our Life Group – for the sake of others and for the group as a whole

Arcana Coelestia

5952. And [Joseph] gave them carts, according to the mouth of Pharaoh. That this signifies that from the internal they had doctrinal things as was pleasing, is evident from the representation of Joseph, who is he that “gave,” as being internal good (of which above); from the signification of “carts,” as being doctrinal things (see n. 5945); and from the signification of “according to the mouth of Pharaoh,” as being as was pleasing, namely, to spiritual truths, which are the sons of Israel; because these truths are in the natural which is represented by Pharaoh (n. 51605799), and the carts, by which are signified doctrinal things, were placed at their disposal. It is said “as was pleasing,” because the doctrinal things which are signified by the “carts of Egypt” are from the literal sense of the Word (n. 5945), which without the internal sense can be applied to any good whatever.

For the Lord does not openly teach anyone truths, but through good leads to the thinking of what is true, and unknown to the man He also inspires the perception and consequent choice that such a thing is true because the Word so declares, and because it accords therewith. Thus the Lord adapts truths according to the reception of good by each person; and as this takes place according to each person’s affection, thus in freedom, it is here said “as was pleasing.”


John: 6: 9-14   Concordant Literal Translation

There is a lad here who has five cakes of barley bread and two food fishes. But what are these for so many? Yet Jesus said, “Make the people lean back.Now there was much grass in the place. The people, then, lean back, the men in number about five thousand.” Jesus, then, took the bread, and, giving thanks, He distributes it to those lying back. Likewise also of the food fish, as much as they wanted.” Now as they are filled, He is saying to His disciples, “Gather the superfluous fragments, lest some should perish.” They gathered them, then, and cram twelve panniers with fragments of the five cakes of barley bread which are superfluous for those who were fed.” 

The men, then, perceiving the sign which Jesus does, said that “This truly is the Prophet Who is coming into the world!”


Arcana Coelestia

5975. The reason why “to see” denotes to be conjoined is that in the spiritual world interior sight conjoins. For interior sight is thought, and in a society there when many act as a one (and also in choirs), what the one thinks the other also thinks; thus thought conjoins.


Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.

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