The Letter of the Word is Divine but the sense of the letter is not – this is the flesh and bones versus the shoes (2 mins)


Removing the shoes

Arcana Coelestia 6844. Pull off thy shoes from upon thy feet. That this signifies that sensuous things, which are the externals of the natural, must be removed, is evident from the signification of “shoes,” as being the sensuous things which are the externals of the natural (see n. 1748); and from the signification of “feet,” as being the natural (n. 216231473761398642804938-4952). That “to pull off” denotes to remove is evident, because it is said of sensuous things; for terms must be applied to their subject that is being treated of; thus “to pull off,” to the shoes; and “to be removed,” to sensuous things. How the case herein is, must be told. Everyone can see that shoes here represent something that was not in agreement with the holy Divine, and thus that to pull off the shoes was representative of the removal of such things; otherwise what would it matter to the Divine whether man approached in shoes or with the soles of his feet bare, provided that he was interiorly of such a character as to be able to approach the Divine in faith and love? Therefore by “shoes” are signified sensuous things, and these being the externals of the natural are of such a nature that they cannot be present when the Divine is the object of holy thought; therefore, as at that time representatives were to be observed, Moses was not allowed to approach with shoes on his feet.

[2] That sensuous things, which are the externals of the natural, are of such a nature that they cannot receive the Divine, is because they are in things worldly, bodily, and even earthly, for they proximately receive these things; hence the things that are in the memory from sensuous things derive from the light and heat of the world all that belongs to them, and but little from the light and heat of heaven, and therefore they are the last things that can be regenerated, that is, receive anything of the light of heaven. Hence it is that when a man is in these sensuous things, and is thinking from them, he thinks no otherwise of the Divine than as he thinks about earthly things, and if he is in evil he thinks from these sensuous things quite against the Divine. Therefore if when a man is thinking about such things as are of faith and love to God he is in good, he is elevated from the sensuous things which are the externals of the natural, toward interior things, consequently from earthly and worldly things nearer to heavenly and spiritual things.

[3] This a man knows not, because he does not know that the interiors in him are distinct from the exteriors, and that thought is more and more interior and also more and more exterior; and as he does not know these things, he cannot reflect upon them. But see what has been before said about thought from sensuous things, namely, that they who think from them, have very little wisdom (n. 5089509462016310631263146316631865986612661466226624); that man is elevated from sensuous things, and that when thus elevated he comes into a milder light; and that this is especially the case with those who are being regenerated (n. 618363136315). From all this is now plain what is meant by “putting off the shoes from upon the feet.” That the natural with man is external, middle, and internal, see n. 45705118512654975649. The internal natural is signified by the “feet,” the middle natural by the “soles of the feet,” and the external by the “shoes.”

The sense of the ‘letter of the Word”

White Horse13. Of the sense of the letter, or the external sense of the Word. The sense of the letter of the Word is according to appearances in the world (5849261719, 1720183218742242 , 25202533). And adapted to the conceptions of the simple (2533904990639086). The Word, in the sense of the letter, is natural (8783). Because what is natural is the ultimate, wherein spiritual and celestial things find their limits, and upon which they rest like a house upon its foundation; and that otherwise the internal sense of the Word, without the external, would be like a house without a foundation (93609430943398241004410436). The Word because it is such contains both a spiritual and celestial sense (9407). And of consequence, that it is holy and Divine in the sense of the letter as to all and every part thereof, even to every iota (6396801319187091981032110637). The laws enacted for the sons of Israel, although abrogated, are yet the holy Word, on account of the internal sense in them (921092599349). Among the laws, judgments, and statutes, ordained in the Israelitish or Jewish Church, which was a representative church, there are some which are still in force both in their external and internal sense; which ought strictly to be observed in their external sense; some which may be of use, if one is so disposed; and some which are altogether abrogated (9349). The Word is Divine even in those statutes which are abrogated, on account of the heavenly things which lie concealed in their internal sense (10637).

What the quality of the Word is in the sense of the letter, if not understood at the same time as to the internal sense, or, what is the same thing, according to true doctrine from the Word (10402). An immense number of heresies spring up from the sense of the letter of the Word without the internal sense, or without genuine doctrine drawn from the Word (10401). They who are in externals without internals, cannot bear the interior things of the Word (10694). The Jews were of this description and they are such also at the present day (301-303347944294433468048444847103961040110407106951070110707).

Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.
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