Session 15 Overview: The Holy Spirit is given when the Word is acknowledged to BE the Lord which happens when it moves from the intellectual into something we practice ( 10 mins)


 And Moses said unto Jehovah, In me, my Lord, I am not a man of words, even from yesterday, even from the day before yesterday, even from now in Thy speaking unto Thy servant; because heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue am I. And Jehovah said unto him, Who maketh man’s mouth? Or who hath made him dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I Jehovah? And now go, and I will be with thy mouth, and I will teach thee what thou shalt speak.

Exodus 4: (10-12)

Arcana Coelestia 6982…The truth which proceeds immediately from the Divine cannot be heard by anyone, not even by any angel; for in order to be heard the Divine must first become human; and it becomes human when it passes through the heavens; and when it has passed through the heavens it is presented in human form, and becomes speech, which speech is uttered by spirits, who when they are in this state, are called the “Holy Spirit,” and this is said to proceed from the Divine, because the holy of the spirit, or the holy truth which the spirit then speaks, proceeds from the Lord. From this it can be seen that the truth which proceeds immediately from the Divine cannot be presented to anyone as discourse or speech, except through the Holy Spirit.

AC 6993…For from the Lord’s Divine Human itself proceeds Divine truth, which is called the “Holy Spirit”; and because when the Lord was in the world He was Himself the Divine truth, He Himself taught the things that were of love and faith, and at that time not by the Holy Spirit, as He Himself teaches in John:

The Holy Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified (John 7:39).

But after the Lord even as to the Human was made Jehovah, that is, Divine good, which was after the resurrection, then He was no longer Divine truth, but this proceeded from His Divine good. That the “Holy Spirit” is the Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord’s Divine Human, and not any spirit or spirits from eternity, is very evident from the Lord’s words in the passage above cited, namely, that “the Holy Spirit was not yet”; also that a spirit cannot himself proceed, but the holy of the spirit, that is, the holy which proceeds from the Lord, and which a spirit utters (see also Arcana Coelestia 6788).

[2] From all this then it follows that the whole trinity, namely, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is perfect in the Lord, and thus that there is one God, and not three, who being distinct as to persons are said to constitute one Divine. That in the Word mention has been made of “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” was that men might acknowledge the Lord and also the Divine in Him.

The Word is the Divine Human

Apocalypse Revealed 256: Verse 7. “And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne,” signifies that the Lord as to His Divine Human is the Word, and this from His Divine in Himself and that therefore He will execute judgment from His Divine Human.

AR 717 Verse 14. “These shall fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings,” signifies the Lord’s combat with them concerning the acknowledgment of His Divine Human, because in it the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and is also the Word, (743).

AC 10265… In the inmost heaven all things of the Word are applied to the Divine Human of the Lord, for the angels there think immediately from the Lord, and perceive the Word in its inmost sense,

Apocalypse Explained  349 [10] In the same: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt in us (John 1:1, 4, 14). It is known that “the Word” means the Lord; His Human is evidently the Word, for it is said, “the Word became flesh, and dwelt in us;” and that His Human was equally Divine with the Divine Itself that took on the Human is evident from this, that a distinction is made between them, and that each is called God, for it is said, “the Word was with God, and God was the Word,” and “in Him was life.” That all live from Him is meant by “the life was the light of men;” “the light of men” is the life of their thought and understanding; for the Divine Proceeding, which is specially meant by “the Word,” appears in heaven as the light which enables angels not only to see, but also to think and understand, and according to its reception to be wise (See Heaven and Hell 126-140). This light proceeding from the Lord is life itself, which not only enlightens the understanding, as the sun of the world does the eye, but also vivifies it according to reception; and when this light is received in the life, it is called “the light of life” in the same: Jesus said, I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12).

Third Round posts are short audio clips taken from Round 3 comments offered in the online Logopraxis Life Group meetings. The aim is to keep the focus on understanding the Text in terms of its application to the inner life along with reinforcing any key LP principles that have been highlighted in the exchanges.
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Liz Coggins
Liz Coggins
June 30, 2024 9:59 am

Thank you