ACV9 S16 6994-7026

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Karin Baynes
July 8, 2024 10:34 pm

6997. And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses. That this signifies clemency, is evident from the signification of “the anger of Jehovah,” as not being anger, but the opposite of anger, thus mercy, and here clemency. [6] That punishment and damnation are signified by “anger,” is also evident in these passages: Offspring of vipers! Who hath warned you to flee from the anger to come? (Matt. 3:7). He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the anger of God abideth on him (John 3:36). In the last time there shall be great distress upon the… Read more »

Karin Baynes
July 11, 2024 7:13 pm
Reply to  Karin Baynes

Firstly, the appearance of a paradox. Anger as compassion, clemency and mercy. For both the evil with their punishments, and the good with their rewards. We can interpret anger as zeal – protection of the good in us, or what is His own, by the Lord. A couple of arcana came to mind – the Lord’s love falls equally on the evil and the good, but reception is in accordance with how we are living our lives. Also, a sense of the Lord in His mercy, mitigating punishments on the evil. Again, in ‘The Chosen’ series, the actor does a… Read more »

Mandy Millar
Mandy Millar
July 4, 2024 1:00 pm

7007 ……Something shall here be said about the Divine being in each and all things that take place with man. That such is the case appears to man to be far from the truth, because he thinks, “If the Divine were in each and all things that take place, evils would not happen, neither would anyone suffer damnation;” also that the justice of a cause would always triumph; that the upright would be happier in the world than the wicked; with many like things; and as they see the contrary, they do not believe that the Divine is in each… Read more »

Judy & Len Robinson
Judy & Len Robinson
July 4, 2024 10:47 am

ACV9S16-Len #6997-7….” the nature of the Word in the sense of the letter, and also what Divine truth is in its most general form, namely, that it is according to appearances; and this for the reason that man is such that what he sees and apprehends from his sensuous, he believes; and what he does not see nor apprehend from his sensuous, he does not believe; thus does not receive. Hence it is that the Word in the sense of the letter is according to things that so appear; and yet it has genuine truths stored up in its inward bosom;… Read more »

Judy & Len Robinson
Judy & Len Robinson
July 3, 2024 11:34 am

ACV9S16-Judy #7007-4…..”That many fallacies attack the Divine Providence in singulars (n. 6481).” Principle: Divine Providence is in both generals and singulars alike. Task: Observe the fallacies that attack the Divine Providence. Submission: When considering praying a real dilemma was had because the Lord’s ‘end in view’ was brought to mind and the acknowledgement given that ignorance of how that will play out is all ‘self’ has. Complete trust and surrender is needing to be practiced to allow the Lord to achieve what He wilkl and how He will. Acquiescence to “Thy will be Done” as the only possible prayer to… Read more »

Michael Chester
July 2, 2024 10:16 am

7011. ‘And you are to take this rod in your hand’ means Divine power … power has reference to truth.

Task: Reflect on the power of truth.

Hal Rosner
Hal Rosner
July 1, 2024 6:03 am

Reflections on uttering and “to utter” coming from the Divine Human. AC 7004 “what he uttered will proceed front the Divine Human” “to give to utter but when said of the Lord it denotes to proceed, because the Word which is uttered by a spirit or angel proceeds from the Lord’s Divine Human” PRINCIPLE AC 6996  “Speech of spirits is without human words, and it is universal speech of all languages.” TASK Pay attention to how truth is (or can) be introduced into conversations or interactions; and what can be willed with genuine love and charity. What does it look like… Read more »

Denyse Daurat
Denyse Daurat
June 27, 2024 9:02 am

Teachings also hold pleasure and delight when a person applies them to himself, because those teachings contain God’s truth going forth from the Lord, and God’s truth going forth from the Lord contains love, and so pleasure and delight.Task: Remember and be aware of applying God’s truth to life.

Janna King
Janna King
June 27, 2024 3:39 am

7002. And he will be glad in his heart. That this signifies the affection of love, is evident from the signification of “being glad in heart,” as being the pleasantness and delight from the affection which is of love; for all gladness proceeds from the affection of love. That the affection of love is said of the doctrine of good and truth, and not of those who are in the doctrine, is from angelic speech, for so the angels speak, because they are unwilling to speak of persons, because speech about persons would avert the ideas from a universal view… Read more »

Ruth Duckworth
June 24, 2024 7:18 pm

7004 [2] From the Lord proceeds Divine truth immediately and mediately; that which proceeds immediately is above all the understanding of angels; but that which proceeds mediately is adapted to the angels in the heavens and also to men, for it passes through heaven and thereby puts on the angelic and the human quality; but into this truth also the Lord flows immediately, and thus leads angels and men both mediately and immediately …………….Divine truth itself is the one only substantial, the derivatives being nothing but successive forms thence derived. From this also it is plain that the Divine flows immediately… Read more »

Ruth Duckworth
July 4, 2024 2:52 pm
Reply to  Ruth Duckworth

There have been many small ways in which I have noticed being guided by the Lord. From messages from nature, a beautiful view just when I was feeling low, a bird talking to me and many angel times appearing on my phone, 3:33, 1:01, 2.22 etc. I have felt a bit stressed at times but by remembering that the Lord is guiding me I was able to keep calm and carry on plodding through my list. I lost a dear friend in this session and the occasions allowed for us to spend time with him before he passed and to… Read more »

Kevin Stevens
June 22, 2024 10:22 am

Selection: 7017 “when anyone proposes anything to himself he perceives it as present because he puts his mind into the state of that thing and from this are longings and delights as if the thing were present”. Principle: what is entertained in the mind becomes as it were present because one’s consciousness binds itself to what is being entertained or attended to and this stimulates desires, ideas, intentions, images, conclusions etc. Task: When interacting with others or in situations, observe states of mind (feelings and thoughts) and see them for what they are. Don’t take credit for good states and… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Kevin Stevens
Liz Coggins
Liz Coggins
June 21, 2024 8:35 am

7002: …the affection of love is said of the doctrine of good and truth, and not of those who are in the doctrine”  This brings emphasis on the reality that the love and affection experienced as my own experience and coming from me, are never from me but are from the doctrine itself. Which brings emphasis on what I choose to hold as doctrine, even to the least thought or idea; because if the ‘doctrine’ is based in falsity, based on doubt or despair, then that will be the ‘affection’ that I experience as my own. The more the doctrine of truth and… Read more »

Liz Coggins
Liz Coggins
June 29, 2024 11:18 am
Reply to  Liz Coggins

Observations: The task of reading the Word has been a gentle and welcome companion this session: lovingly remembering just a few words, or the same words, during the day; and building faith in what doctrine looks like (in me). But it has also shown how fast my ‘doctrine’ can become externalised to consist of anxiety or sadness caused by the inner contrast to outer life…..and I forget. Every moment I’m on the edge of forgetting. The challenge seems so intense.   A woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s… Read more »

Ian Keal
June 18, 2024 12:44 am

AC 7022: There is a likeness of a marriage where there is what is active and what is passive; and there must be the active and at the same time the passive where anything has to come into existence; for without the conjunction of these two nothing can possibly be produced. That there is in all things a likeness of a marriage, is because all things bear relation to good and truth, thus to the heavenly marriage, which is that of good and truth; and the heavenly marriage bears relation to the Divine marriage, which is that of Divine good… Read more »

Ian Keal
June 29, 2024 10:42 pm
Reply to  Ian Keal

I am Not the source of Anything! That was the message that I received while sitting with the concepts of being either active or passive,  and being “Open” to hearing Truths from the Word/Lord through “others”, ie: spirits who are with me, and friends in their spirit of goodwill. I need to be still, passive, empty, and Open to receive that which the Lord can use to “activate” something “in me”, so that I can engage the “as of self”. Be awake to what spirits I am summoning. (4067[3]) If the focus is on service to others, then I need… Read more »

Liz Coggins
Liz Coggins
June 30, 2024 10:59 am
Reply to  Ian Keal

Sitting with the reception of Daily Bread, and how it links with forgiveness – I hadn’t seen that before……and the debts that I owe… much this blocks the ability to receive. Is guilt different to remorse?

Ian Keal
June 30, 2024 4:06 pm
Reply to  Liz Coggins

Your question brought to mind the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. So much Daily Bread in that……