Getting Started: Day 13


Congratulations – you’re almost at the end of your first Logopraxis session cycle and no doubt will be looking forward to sharing and hearing how others have worked with the Text.

The Tapestry of Life

One of the real delights of Logopraxis group life is to see on a regular basis how people’s work with the Word as the Lord becomes woven together as a tapestry of collective life. When the experience of the Word forms the basis for spiritual community then it is the Word that leads, guides, and directs all things toward a fuller experience of the Lord as the “living bread come down from heaven.” The sense of awe and wonder in witnessing this reminds us that we are indeed on holy ground.

Step Six – Prepare a Submission

Helpful Advice – Personal Details

We seek to keep what we share related to our direct experience of the Word working in our life. Personal details, related to specific events or people are kept to a minimum as we seek to draw out the general principles and truths that were seen over the session cycle. The removal of personal details allows group members to more easily connect to what’s shared and to see its application in their own life. It also thus encourages us to impartially observe what has unfolded for us, without judgement, incrimination, or ownership.

Step six – Prepare a Submission

Compile the material you have been recording along the way into a concise summary that you can offer to your Life Group when it meets. This summary is known in Logopraxis as a ‘submission’ and is presented verbally in a group. People are also encouraged to post their submissions online in support of the wider Logopraxis community. Typically, a submission includes the following…

  • The number of the paragraph and the chosen piece of Text you worked with
  • The spiritual principle you drew from your chosen piece of Text
  • The task that was formulated from the principle, to give you a work focus
  • A concise summary of what your work revealed for you over the period

How A Life Group Works

A Life Group meeting typically runs for 60-90 minutes and has three rounds, usually with a section of Scared Scripture or something meditative offered in between each of the rounds.

  • In Round One each participant is invited, one at a time, to offer their submission to the group. Those who are listening, are asked to focus their attention on what they hear the Spirit of the Lord offering to them through the speaker’s submission.
  • In Round Two participants are invited to offer what they heard in Round One.
  • And Round Three is then a time for questions about the Logopraxis process, further exploration about the set Text reading or other reflections that have come to light during the meeting.

Group Life

The whole of heaven when viewed from the highest perspective is in the form of a human being. We aim to see our Life Group as a human being made up of many individuals functioning as one in support of a common use. That use is one of supporting people to come into an ever-deepening sense of the Lord as the Word through our willingness to work from its truths, not just for our own benefit but for the benefit of all those we are in connection with.

Closing Remarks In Preparation for Meeting

Having done the work it is now time to bring your experience of working with the Text to your Logopraxis Life Group. The group provides a space to feed and nurture others through offering your experience of the Word working in your life. Through sharing our life in the Word with others we open up the possibility of coming to know the Lord in our midst as the Word. To know Him in this way is to experience a new dimension of spiritual community.

Please feel free to reach out to your Life Group facilitator or any other member of the Logopraxis community if you feel you would like additional support. The Logopraxis community is here to support you on your journey into an ever deepening sense of the Word as the Lord.

For more on Step 6, you can click on the following link…

From the Logopraxis Handbook: Prepare a Submission