The Third Round: Spiritual Work Constantly Challenges Us To Enter into and Trust the Process

From the Work Arcana Celestia 5554.

Very many communities exist which constitute the outer coverings of the body, all differing from one another from the face down to the soles of the feet; for differences exist wherever you choose to look. I have had many conversations with these communities. So far as their spiritual life was concerned they were the kind of people who had allowed themselves to be convinced by others that this or that was the truth; and once they had heard proofs drawn from the sense of the letter of the Word they fully believed it and stuck firmly to the opinion they had received. They also based the life they led, though this was not an evil one, on the same convictions. But other spirits who do not possess a similar frame of mind to theirs find it difficult to have any dealings with them because of their rigid adherence to the ideas they have accepted and because of their refusal to be led away from these by reasonable thinking.

From the Work Arcana Celestia 7068

…they who are in truth are as it were rigid, and stand erect as if they were hard; and when they ought to humble themselves before the Divine, they only bend the body a little; but those who are in good are as it were soft, and when they humble themselves before the Divine, they bow themselves down to the earth. For truth without good is quite rigid, and when it looks to good as the end, this rigidity begins to soften; but good is in itself soft, and the truth which is being instilled, as it becomes good there, also grows soft. The reason is that truth cannot be ordered in the heavenly form except by good; hence it is in itself hard; for the heavenly form is most free and makes no resistance; and from this the good with which truth has been rightly ordered is like it; and as above said is soft.

From the Spiritual Diary 242.

It cannot but occur to anyone as a paradox that in human fibers, even in the most minute, there is nothing solid or cohering, and thus rigid: for if it cohered, or by cohering became rigid, it would be in the highest degree brittle and would very quickly perish, for nothing would then be applicable [to it]. But in things internal, not even the least part, or parts of a part, even to the most interior and inmost spiritual substances, is rigid, but all parts are most fluid, as in spirits and angels. Corporeal things alone can be said to cohere, but not in the way the fallacy of sight and of touch induces man to believe; for the less coherent a thing is, or the less it resembles a solid, the more durable it is. This is evident from many things, as in old age when the parts begin to grow together and become more solid, thus to appearance, more durable, but they are then the more brittle and liable to be destroyed. From this it now follows that man is a spirit, even whilst he lives in the body, and that the coherence of the [parts] depends upon the single things being yielding, and thus upon the more interior and inmost things, and by their being disposed by God Messiah by means of both the former and the latter.

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